numerology and socionics

psychological numbers

Page 6.

tables of transactions in analytical numerology


Tables of transactions in analytical numerology.
The sixth page shows tables of transactions of mental functions and charts or diagrams of intertype relations for 16 psychological types of analytical numerology.
Kinds of intertype relations from 1st to 6th are shown.


Intertype relations in analytical numerology.
Tables of transactions of mental functions.

Mutual attitudes of people in the context of analytical psychology of Carl Gustav Jung, also typological indicator of Myers-Briggs and socionics of Augustinavichjute are caused by intertype relations of psychological types which are criteria of sympathies or antipathies.
Also mutual attitudes of people in the context of analytical numerology are caused by various kinds of intertype relations of psychological types.
In total 16 psychological types or psycho-types of human personality in the context of analytical numerology are interconnected by 14 kinds of intertype relations.

First kind of intertype relations in analytical numerology.
Diagram of these intertype relations is similar with "dual relationships" in the socionics of Augustinavichjute.

mutual attitudes of people in analytical typological indicator of Myers-Briggs

Ss-Fe-Te-Nt-St-Fm-Tm-Ns - Zeus - Hades.
Ns-Te-Fm-Ss-Nt-Tm-Fe-St - Hecate - Adonis.

Te-Ss-Ns-Fe-Tm-St-Nt-Fm - Hephaestus - Ganymede.
Fm-Ns-St-Te-Fe-Nt-Ss-Tm - Urania - Nemesis.

Tm-St-Nt-Fm-Te-Ss-Ns-Fe - Propillar - Plutos.
Fe-Nt-Ss-Tm-Fm-Ns-St-Te - Ares - Epimetheus.

St-Fm-Tm-Ns-Ss-Fe-Te-Nt - Eilithia - Leto.
Nt-Tm-Fe-St-Ns-Te-Fm-Ss - Apollo - Delphyne.

Ns-Fm-Te-St-Nt-Fe-Tm-Ss - Artemis - Persephone.
Ss-Te-Fe-Ns-St-Tm-Fm-Nt - Poseidon - Demeter.

Nt-Fe-Tm-Ss-Ns-Fm-Te-St - Dionysus - Zagreus.
St-Tm-Fm-Nt-Ss-Te-Fe-Ns - Hera - Amphitrite.

Tm-Nt-St-Fe-Te-Ns-Ss-Fm - Trismegistus - Iris.
Fm-St-Ns-Tm-Fe-Ss-Nt-Te - Dione - Pandora.

Te-Ns-Ss-Fm-Tm-Nt-St-Fe - Prometheus - Hebe.
Fe-Ss-Nt-Te-Fm-St-Ns-Tm - Angelos - Eris.


Above this chart shows diagram of circular arrangement of 16 psychological types of analytical numerology.
Circular arrangement is analogue of standard positions of psychological types in cells of magic square of Pythagorean numerological numbers.
Number 1 - top middle cell.
FSI - ethical-sensory introverts - Angelos and Eris.
FNE - ethical-intuitive extraverts - Ares and Epimetheus.
Number 2 - bottom left cell.
NTI - intuitive-logical introverts - Hecate and Adonis.
NFE - intuitive-ethical extraverts - Artemis and Persephone.
Number 3 - middle right cell.
TNI - logical-intuitive introverts - Hermes Trismegistus and Iris.
TSI - logical-sensory introverts - Hermes Propillar and Plutos.
Number 4 - bottom right cell.
STE - sensory-logical extraverts - Hera and Amphitrite.
SFI - sensory-ethical introverts - Eilithia and Leto.
Number 6 - top left cell.
SFE - sensory-ethical extraverts - Zeus and Hades.
STI - sensory-logical introverts - Poseidon and Demeter.
Number 7 - middle left cell.
TSE - logical-sensory extraverts - Hephaestus and Ganymede.
TNE - logical-intuitive extraverts - Prometheus and Hebe.
Number 8 - top right cell.
NFI - intuitive-ethical introverts - Dionysus and Zagreus.
NTE - intuitive-logical extraverts - Apollo and Delphyne.
Number 9 - bottom middle cell.
FSE - ethical-sensory extraverts - Aphrodite Dione and Pandora.
FNI - ethical-intuitive introverts - Aphrodite Urania and Nemesis.
Aspects of intertype relations within circular arrangement are shown by means of lines.
Interconnections according to first kind of intertype relations following psychological types have: SFE-NTI, TSE-FNI, TSI-FNE, SFI-NTE, NFE-STI, NFI-STE, TNI-FSE, TNE-FSI, that also is shown in the table at the right of diagram.
Interrelations of psychological types within intertype relations are caused by parities or otherwise to tell transactions of mental functions. Namely by interactions of strong, weak, actual, non-actual, also conceivable and unconceivable mental functions which form psychological types of participants in mutual attitudes, that shows graphical figure at the bottom of shown chart.
For example, structural sequences of mental functions of two interconnected psychological types SFE and NTI, or according to numbers of magic square E-61784932 and I-27968314.

graphical figure or chart of structural sequences of mental functions Top row corresponds to structural sequence of mental functions of psychological type SFE.
Bottom row corresponds to structural sequence of mental functions of psychological type NTI.
Lines show transactions of mental functions.

Ns - intuition of abstract space - strong NTI and latent non-actual SFE.
Te - logics of sign energy - actual NTI and weak SFE.
Fm - ethics of general matter - weak NTI and latent actual SFE.
Ss - sensory of concrete space - non-actual NTI and strong SFE.
Nt - intuition of potential time - latent strong NTI and non-actual SFE.
Tm - logics of detail matter - latent actual NTI and latent weak SFE.
Fe - ethics of figurative energy - latent weak NTI and actual SFE.
St - sensory of valid time - latent non-actual NTI and latent strong SFE.
Transactions connect one-nominal mental functions.
Other pairs of psychological types according to first kind of intertype relations have similar graphical figure for transactions of mental functions. Namely transactions connect 1-4, 2-7, 3-2, 4-5, 5-8, 6-3, 7-6, 8-1 and 1-8, 2-3, 3-6, 4-1, 5-4, 6-7, 7-2, 8-5 mental functions.
Look information about values, also about alphabetic and numerical designations of mental functions of human personality in the context of analytical numerology on previous pages in this section of website.

Second kind of intertype relations in analytical numerology.
Diagram of these intertype relations is similar with "contrast relationships" in the socionics of Augustinavichjute.
Transactions in pairs of psychological types connect 1-5, 2-6, 3-7, 4-8, 5-1, 6-2, 7-3, 8-4 mental functions.

psychological types of analytical numerology and kinds of intertype relations

Nt-Tm-Fe-St-Ns-Te-Fm-Ss - Apollo - Delphyne.
Ns-Te-Fm-Ss-Nt-Tm-Fe-St - Hecate - Adonis.

Nt-Fe-Tm-Ss-Ns-Fm-Te-St - Dionysus - Zagreus.
Ns-Fm-Te-St-Nt-Fe-Tm-Ss - Artemis - Persephone.

Ss-Fe-Te-Nt-St-Fm-Tm-Ns - Zeus - Hades.
St-Fm-Tm-Ns-Ss-Fe-Te-Nt - Eilithia - Leto.

Ss-Te-Fe-Ns-St-Tm-Fm-Nt - Poseidon - Demeter.
St-Tm-Fm-Nt-Ss-Te-Fe-Ns - Hera - Amphitrite.

Fe-Nt-Ss-Tm-Fm-Ns-St-Te - Ares - Epimetheus.
Fm-Ns-St-Te-Fe-Nt-Ss-Tm - Urania - Nemesis.

Fe-Ss-Nt-Te-Fm-St-Ns-Tm - Angelos - Eris.
Fm-St-Ns-Tm-Fe-Ss-Nt-Te - Dione - Pandora.

Tm-St-Nt-Fm-Te-Ss-Ns-Fe - Propillar - Plutos.
Te-Ss-Ns-Fe-Tm-St-Nt-Fm - Hephaestus - Ganymede.

Tm-Nt-St-Fe-Te-Ns-Ss-Fm - Trismegistus - Iris.
Te-Ns-Ss-Fm-Tm-Nt-St-Fe - Prometheus - Hebe.

Third kind of intertype relations in analytical numerology.
Diagram of these intertype relations is similar with "mirror relationships" in the socionics of Augustinavichjute.
Transactions in pairs of psychological types connect 1-2, 2-1, 3-4, 4-3, 5-6, 6-5, 7-8, 8-7 mental functions.

diagram of intertype relations and transactions in pairs of psychological types

Fe-Ss-Nt-Te-Fm-St-Ns-Tm - Angelos - Eris.
Ss-Fe-Te-Nt-St-Fm-Tm-Ns - Zeus - Hades.

Ss-Te-Fe-Ns-St-Tm-Fm-Nt - Poseidon - Demeter.
Te-Ss-Ns-Fe-Tm-St-Nt-Fm - Hephaestus - Ganymede.

Te-Ns-Ss-Fm-Tm-Nt-St-Fe - Prometheus - Hebe.
Ns-Te-Fm-Ss-Nt-Tm-Fe-St - Hecate - Adonis.

Ns-Fm-Te-St-Nt-Fe-Tm-Ss - Artemis - Persephone.
Fm-Ns-St-Te-Fe-Nt-Ss-Tm - Urania - Nemesis.

Fm-St-Ns-Tm-Fe-Ss-Nt-Te - Dione - Pandora.
St-Fm-Tm-Ns-Ss-Fe-Te-Nt - Eilithia - Leto.

St-Tm-Fm-Nt-Ss-Te-Fe-Ns - Hera - Amphitrite.
Tm-St-Nt-Fm-Te-Ss-Ns-Fe - Propillar - Plutos.

Tm-Nt-St-Fe-Te-Ns-Ss-Fm - Trismegistus - Iris.
Nt-Tm-Fe-St-Ns-Te-Fm-Ss - Apollo - Delphyne.

Nt-Fe-Tm-Ss-Ns-Fm-Te-St - Dionysus - Zagreus.
Fe-Nt-Ss-Tm-Fm-Ns-St-Te - Ares - Epimetheus.

Fourth kind of intertype relations in analytical numerology.
Diagram of these intertype relations has no analogy in the socionics of Augustinavichjute.
Transactions in pairs of psychological types connect 1-1, 2-3, 3-2, 4-8, 5-5, 6-7, 7-6, 8-4 mental functions.

diagram of circular arrangement of psychological types of analytical numerology

Fe-Ss-Nt-Te-Fm-St-Ns-Tm - Angelos - Eris.
Fe-Nt-Ss-Tm-Fm-Ns-St-Te - Ares - Epimetheus.

Nt-Fe-Tm-Ss-Ns-Fm-Te-St - Dionysus - Zagreus.
Nt-Tm-Fe-St-Ns-Te-Fm-Ss - Apollo - Delphyne.

Tm-Nt-St-Fe-Te-Ns-Ss-Fm - Trismegistus - Iris.
Tm-St-Nt-Fm-Te-Ss-Ns-Fe - Propillar - Plutos.

St-Tm-Fm-Nt-Ss-Te-Fe-Ns - Hera - Amphitrite.
St-Fm-Tm-Ns-Ss-Fe-Te-Nt - Eilithia - Leto.

Fm-St-Ns-Tm-Fe-Ss-Nt-Te - Dione - Pandora.
Fm-Ns-St-Te-Fe-Nt-Ss-Tm - Urania - Nemesis.

Ns-Fm-Te-St-Nt-Fe-Tm-Ss - Artemis - Persephone.
Ns-Te-Fm-Ss-Nt-Tm-Fe-St - Hecate - Adonis.

Te-Ns-Ss-Fm-Tm-Nt-St-Fe - Prometheus - Hebe.
Te-Ss-Ns-Fe-Tm-St-Nt-Fm - Hephaestus - Ganymede.

Ss-Te-Fe-Ns-St-Tm-Fm-Nt - Poseidon - Demeter.
Ss-Fe-Te-Nt-St-Fm-Tm-Ns - Zeus - Hades.

Fifth kind of intertype relations in analytical numerology.
Diagram of these intertype relations has no analogy in the socionics of Augustinavichjute.
Transactions in pairs of psychological types connect 1-5, 2-7, 3-6, 4-4, 5-1, 6-3, 7-2, 8-8 mental functions.

quasi-identical relationships in socionics of Aushra Augustinavichjute

Fe-Ss-Nt-Te-Fm-St-Ns-Tm - Angelos - Eris.
Fm-Ns-St-Te-Fe-Nt-Ss-Tm - Urania - Nemesis.

Fe-Nt-Ss-Tm-Fm-Ns-St-Te - Ares - Epimetheus.
Fm-St-Ns-Tm-Fe-Ss-Nt-Te - Dione - Pandora.

Ss-Fe-Te-Nt-St-Fm-Tm-Ns - Zeus - Hades.
St-Tm-Fm-Nt-Ss-Te-Fe-Ns - Hera - Amphitrite.

Ss-Te-Fe-Ns-St-Tm-Fm-Nt - Poseidon - Demeter.
St-Fm-Tm-Ns-Ss-Fe-Te-Nt - Eilithia - Leto.

Nt-Fe-Tm-Ss-Ns-Fm-Te-St - Dionysus - Zagreus.
Ns-Te-Fm-Ss-Nt-Tm-Fe-St - Hecate - Adonis.

Nt-Tm-Fe-St-Ns-Te-Fm-Ss - Apollo - Delphyne.
Ns-Fm-Te-St-Nt-Fe-Tm-Ss - Artemis - Persephone.

Te-Ss-Ns-Fe-Tm-St-Nt-Fm - Hephaestus - Ganymede.
Tm-Nt-St-Fe-Te-Ns-Ss-Fm - Trismegistus - Iris.

Te-Ns-Ss-Fm-Tm-Nt-St-Fe - Prometheus - Hebe.
Tm-St-Nt-Fm-Te-Ss-Ns-Fe - Propillar - Plutos.

Sixth kind of intertype relations in analytical numerology.
Diagram of these intertype relations is similar with "quasi-identical relationships" in the context of socionics of Aushra Augustinavichjute.
Transactions in pairs of psychological types connect 1-6, 2-5, 3-8, 4-7, 5-2, 6-1, 7-4, 8-3 mental functions.

transactions in pairs of psychological types connect mental functions

Fe-Ss-Nt-Te-Fm-St-Ns-Tm - Angelos - Eris.
St-Fm-Tm-Ns-Ss-Fe-Te-Nt - Eilithia - Leto.

Fe-Nt-Ss-Tm-Fm-Ns-St-Te - Ares - Epimetheus.
Ns-Fm-Te-St-Nt-Fe-Tm-Ss - Artemis - Persephone.

Ss-Fe-Te-Nt-St-Fm-Tm-Ns - Zeus - Hades.
Fm-St-Ns-Tm-Fe-Ss-Nt-Te - Dione - Pandora.

Ss-Te-Fe-Ns-St-Tm-Fm-Nt - Poseidon - Demeter.
Tm-St-Nt-Fm-Te-Ss-Ns-Fe - Propillar - Plutos.

Nt-Fe-Tm-Ss-Ns-Fm-Te-St - Dionysus - Zagreus.
Fm-Ns-St-Te-Fe-Nt-Ss-Tm - Urania - Nemesis.

Nt-Tm-Fe-St-Ns-Te-Fm-Ss - Apollo - Delphyne.
Te-Ns-Ss-Fm-Tm-Nt-St-Fe - Prometheus - Hebe.

Te-Ss-Ns-Fe-Tm-St-Nt-Fm - Hephaestus - Ganymede.
St-Tm-Fm-Nt-Ss-Te-Fe-Ns - Hera - Amphitrite.

Tm-Nt-St-Fe-Te-Ns-Ss-Fm - Trismegistus - Iris.
Ns-Te-Fm-Ss-Nt-Tm-Fe-St - Hecate - Adonis.

Following page shows other diagrams of intertype relations and tables of transaction of mental functions for 16 psychological types of analytical numerology.

