In traditional daily numerology do not use special calendars and do not
correlate number to movement of heavenly bodies, or otherwise it is possible to
tell that well-known modern numerology does not apply ancient knowledge about
which it is told on the previous page, but calculations of time make according
to dates of usual calendars that in essence is true as the modern Gregorian
calendar is connected to movement of the Sun and provides sufficient correctness of calculations.
The basic purpose of a calendar is the indication of days, years and months that
matters from the point of view numerology as it is usual in numerology make
calculations of year, day and month, for what calendar dates consistently
summarize (add) and receive numerological numbers. Consecutive addition of
numbers in numerology consists that in result from several numbers one number
should turn out. For example, dating number July, 17 (the sixth month) consists
of three numbers which consistently summarize 1+7+6=14, then the received result
again summarize 1+4=5 and as a result it turns out singular numerological number
5 which corresponds for July, 17. Similarly calculate a singular of year, and
also calculate total numerological number of year, day and month.
Such way apply in conventional modern numerology, but such way is not correct as in
result to numerological calculations subject numbers which concern to different
chronological cycles or directly are not connected with numerology. Namely
calculate numbers of months which in essence have no the attitude to numerology,
or calculate serial numbers of days in months that too has no basic
numerological sense. As 12 months are symbols of 12 signs of the zodiac and
matter from the point of view of astrology but are not basic from the
numerological point of view, and also quantity of days in months has no basic
sense from the numerological point of view as quantities of days are caused by
features of a used calendar.
Though during conventional numerological calculations receive results in which
there is a certain sense but nevertheless the conventional calculations are not
unconditional and authentic.
That numerological calculations were correct, it is necessary to take into
consideration a solar cycle of one year and to use for calculations serial
numbers of days in the period of one year, i.e. it is necessary to not take into
account division of year into months but to count days from the beginning of year.
Transformation of calendar dates to numbers (serial numbers) of days of one year is below shown:
January ( 0). February ( +31 ). March ( +59 or +60 ). April ( +90 or +91 ). |
May ( +120 or +121 ). June ( +151 or +152 ). July ( +181 or +182 ). August ( +212 or +213 ). |
September ( +243 or +244 ). October ( +273 or +274 ). November ( +304 or +305 ). December ( +334 or +335 ). |
For example, date July, 17 means that to number 17 it is necessary to add
number 181, or necessary to add number 182 if leap-year, and as a result we
receive number which corresponds to this day in the period of one solar year
17+181=198. Then consistently summarize the received numbers 1+9+8=18 and 1+8=9,
and as a result it turns out the numerological number 9 which corresponds to
date July, 17. Otherwise it is possible to tell that in result it turns out
valid numerological number of day which in a calendar is designated by date
July, 17. And if for calculations to use date 17, that is a serial number of day
in one month July but not number of day in an annual solar cycle, then will be
received the number 1+7=8 which is not correct from the point of view of numerology.
As an index point for calculations of days it is possible to use date January, 1
or it is possible to use date of a winter solstice provided that for correlation
of days with a winter solstice it is necessary to add number 9 to the received
results, as the winter solstice is remote from January, 1 by the interval in 9
days. But in essence readout of days from January, 1 or from a winter solstice
(December, 22) does not matter as at consecutive summation of days the
continuity of numerological calculations is kept provided that December, 22 it
is necessary to count as last day of a solar cycle and December, 23 it is
necessary to count as the first day of a new solar cycle, that is shown in the table:
Apparently in the table, date January, 1 is 10th serial day at the beginning
of calculations from December, 23 that in result gives the numerological sum 1
and consequently there is no difference at readout of the day sequence in an
annual solar cycle from January, 1 or from December, 23 as in any case January,
1 has the numerological sum 1 and so on during one year the continuity of calculations is kept.
Besides as an index point of calculations it is possible to use other calendar
dates, i.e. day of a summer solstice or day of a spring equinox, and also an
index point of calculations can be birthday of the concrete person for which it
is necessary to calculate the numerological prognosis.
Or for numerological calculations it is possible to use lunar calendars provided
that at use of lunar calendars it is necessary to calculate numbers of days in
the periods of lunar cycles which can be equal to one month, or can be equal to
solar year and make a sequence of lunar months within solar year.
The choice of various index points of calculations and various calendars depends
on tasks which are necessary for solving by means of numerology, but
nevertheless the Gregorian calendar and initial date of year January, 1 are
standard for modern (contemporary) numerology.
Except for days calendars specify years which allow to calculate numbers of
years. For example, the numerological sum for 2007 is the number 2+0+0+7=9 and
in a result for date July, 17, 2007 correspond two numerological numbers 9 and
9, that forms the numerical combination 99 in which the first (left) nine is
number of year and the second (right) nine is number of day.
It is impossible (unwarranted) to summarize numbers of days and numbers of
years, but it is possible to compare to numbers of days and years which are
counted from dates of birth. For example, date of birth of any person is July,
17, 2006 that forms the numerological combination of numbers 89
(17+181=198*1+9+8=18*1+8=9 and 2+0+0+6=8) which characterizes primary features
of the person. And the numerological combination of numbers 99 corresponds to
date July, 17, 2007 when the person celebrates birthday, and as a result
comparison of numbers 89 and 99 allows to do the prognosis for 2007 for the
person who was born July, 17, 2006. And if this person requires a prognosis for
July, 18, 2007, i.e. the prognosis for the second day after birthday, then it is
necessary to compare numerological combinations of numbers of three dates, and
also it is necessary to take into account the fact that the age of the person
after July, 17, 2007 is equal to two years as numbers of age too have values
from the point of view of numerology.
The calculations given for an example seem difficult but in essence in result
four numbers should turn out: number of birth year and number of birthday,
number of the current predicted year and number of the current predicted day.
These four numbers allow to carry out the numerological prognosis. And also it
is possible to take into account number of age provided that the number of age
after 9 years of life is complex and consist of two numbers, and in a result we
have six numbers which are necessary for taking into account.
Or for simple prognoses it is enough to take into account four numbers and to
not take into account numbers of age.
It is necessary to consider numbers as numerological combinations which have the
combined values, and it is impossible to summarize the received numbers as they
concern to different chronological cycles, namely numbers of days calculate in
continuation of one solar cycle but numbers of years develop of many solar
cycles which calculate from Birth of the Christ or from Creation of the World,
and also from birth of the concrete person for which make numerological calculations.
Creation of the World (anno mundi) concerns to 5508 year before new era (5508
B.C.) according to Christian chronology, i.e. it is accepted to count that the
beginning of the world is carried out in 5508 year before Birth of the Christ.
It means that 5508 year from Creation of the World is last year of old era (zero
year 0000 according to astronomical readout) and 5509 year is the first year of
new era, that from the point of numerological view keeps continuity of
calculations of years from the Era of World Creation and from the Era of
Christ's Birth. As the numerological sum of 5509 year (5509 A.M.) is number 1
(5+5+0+9=19*1+9=10*1+0=1) and the numerological sum of 0001 year of new era
(0001 A.D.) too is number 1 (0+0+0+1=1), and so on in continuation of years the
continuity of numbers is kept. For example, the numerological sum of 2007 A.D.
is number 9 that is equal to the numerological sum of the appropriate year from
Creation of the World 5508+2007=7515*7+5+1+5=18*1+8=9.
It is possible to tell that calendars are coordinated with the numerological
sequence of years, and it is the not casual fact as calendars were made with
people which knew numerology. Though the choice of time for Creation of the
World is mysterious but is doubtless that the choice was not casual and
consequently numbers of years from Creation of the World and number of years
from Birth of the Christ can be considered as significant for time of existence
of the World. Namely year 2007 from Birth of the Christ is year 7515 from
Creation of the World that allows to consider events and cultural processes of
year from the point of view of values which numbers 7515 and 2007 have in numerology.
It is possible to assume that date for Creation of the World have calculated
according to chronology which is present in the Bible, and as a result have found the index point of calculations which corresponds with
bible chronology and allows to see a history of the world in numbers of years.
Or it is possible to assume that in the Bible there is no real chronology but is
present a numerological code allowed to calculate date which is the
numerological code of the world beginning and is the code of a world history.
Namely it is possible to assume that the code of the Bible was solved and marked
in date of the World Creation which concerns to 5508 year before Birth of the
Christ according to the Byzantine style of chronology.
Pay attention to year 5555 from Creation of the World as it is Great Year.
At the end of this page I offer some psychological algorithms according to
which it is possible to describe numbers of age.
From 1 till 9 years at childhood age people have features which are similar to
characteristics of appropriate numerological numbers and gods who symbolize
numbers provided that pure values of numbers are shown, and consequently
children are most similar to gods.
The youth age from 10 till 19 years is the period when the numerological number
1 has major importance, and other numbers consistently cooperate with number 1
and add additional characteristics for human individuality.
In the age of 10 years (within the tenth year of life) the human individuality
for the first time realizes own existence that is similar to the first year of
life, but at ten years' age number 1 is shown at a new level as the zero among
10 increases the category of number 1 according to rules of numerology.
In other numbers from 10 up to 19 during the youth period of life the unit
too has the decimal category and consequently the human individuality aspires to
consciousness and self-affirmation which is peculiar to the appropriate god of Greek mythology Ares.
In the age of 11 years (within the eleventh year of life) the human
individuality for the first time compares with people and also realizes
individuality of other people. In essence the human individuality starts to
distinguish specific features of each person and starts to estimate itself in
comparison with associates as number 11 symbolizes ratio of two units which are
comparable but everyone has unique essence according to rules of numerology.
In the age of 12 years (within the twelfth year of life) the human individuality
realizes contradictions or sympathies which exist between people, and also
realizes influence of people against each other as number 1 cooperates with
number 2 which is personification of Artemis and Hecate. Namely in the age of 12
years the human individuality starts to see the world from the point of view of
dual nature of Artemis, and also starts to realize influences which Hecate has.
But nevertheless the basic number in the youth period of life corresponds to
Ares and consequently the human individuality looks at the world by eyes of Ares
though sees and aspires to realize the phenomena which are caused by Artemis and Hecate.
Or the human individuality is compelled to experience events which are caused by
influence of Artemis and Hecate. It is possible to tell that Ares studies to
understand the world from the point of view of other gods and by that studies to
understand people which have other psychological features.
And so on in continuation of the youth period of life the human individuality is
similar to Ares and aspires to self-affirmation, but consistently agrees to
increase of age numbers realizes the world from the point of view of other gods.
Then in the age of 20 years the following period of life from 20 till 29 years
begins, during which the basic is numerological number 2 and other numbers
become significant according to a growing sequence of years. And further age
changes of people are caused by numerological numbers in which decimal
categories specify the ten years' periods and unitary categories specify years
in the ten years' periods.
The most significant during life become numbers which are stressed in dates of
birth and names of people, that is numbers of age are shown with different
intensity depending on the importance of numbers for this or that person. For
example, the person was born July, 17, 2007 and consequently numbers 9 (number
of birthday) and 9 (number of birth year) for the person are significant (about
calculation of numbers is told above on this page). If date September, 13, 2007
is predicted then the number of age 1 is interconnected with numbers of birth
year and birthday 99. Namely it is possible to assume that within the first year
of life when usually children cry and demand attention, that it is peculiar for
Ares(1), the considered baby will show smaller anxiety rather than the majority
of children as the anxiety is not peculiar to Aphrodite(9).
But during predicted date September, 13 2007 number 4 matters (number of the
current day 13+243=256*2+5+6=13*1+3=4) and consequently this number influences
behavior of the considered baby and can cause emotional frustration as Hera(4)
is the strict goddess, and can break the serene attitude to life that is typical of Aphrodite(9).
Besides for the person numbers of a name are significant, which too are
necessary for considering in the ratio with numbers of days and years, and in
the ratio with numbers of age. For the analysis of numbers it is possible to use the shown scheme:
The shown scheme is similar to system Sefirot
(Sephiroth or Sefira)
(to system of spheres or ciphers) which are known in Cabala. Namely white
circles correspond with position of ciphers and blue lines correspond
with channels according to which ciphers are interconnected in the
system Sefirot, but provided that in the shown scheme white circles are
intended for record of numerological numbers which are significant for
the human person. In Cabala there are no instructions on use of system Sefirot for the numerological analysis of the human person, but in essence the system Sefirot is model of the man and consequently it is applicable for the numerological analysis. It is necessary to tell that in structure of Sefirot there are analogies to system of a universe and system of Anthropocosmos which were known in Babylon, and also in ancient Egypt and India, and consequently it is possible to approve that the shown scheme was applied in the ancient world as the universal tool to the analysis of human essence. Namely it is necessary to perceive the system Sefirot more globally rather than it is known in modern Cabala. In more detail about the system Sefirot it will be told in other sections of this site. |
For the numerological analysis it is necessary in white circles to write
numbers which are received as a result of appropriate numerological calculations.
About numbers of age, and also about numbers of days and years it is told above on this page.
About calculations for numbers of a name it is told in section of this site
which has the name numerology.
About numbers of the sun and the moon, and also about numbers AS (line of
horizon) and MC (line of middle of the sky) it is told on the fourth page of this site section.
When necessary numerological numbers are calculated and written, it is possible
to analyze ratio of numbers according to blue lines which symbolize channels of
numerical interrelations. Namely blue lines in the scheme specify ratio which
are necessary for considering for definition of psychological features of the
person and for the prognosis of events which can be caused by interaction of numbers.
If numbers AS and MC are not known then it is possible to use other analytical
scheme of Anthropocosmos which is shown on the following image:
This analytical scheme differs from traditional system
Sefirot in quantity of ciphers, but if to take into account that in
Cabala the tenth cipher is the increased category of the first cipher
then in essence shown circuit is similar to system Sefirot and
consequently can be applicable for the analysis of structure of the human person. Instead of numbers AS and MC in this anthropocosmic scheme can write numbers of space (place) which are calculated according to geodetic lines of the terrestrial surface about what it is told on the ninth page of this site section. Numbers of space correspond with a place of the person on the surface of the Earth and consequently are in essence identical to numbers AS and MC which too are planetary coordinates of the person. |
In the shown scheme it is possible to designate and consider additional
channels of numerical ratio, i.e. it is possible to draw other structure of blue
lines, but it is necessary to mean that the human person is in a complex
organized system and consequently among set of structural ratio it is expedient
to consider the most actual from the point of view of structural mentality. For
example, a ratio of the birthday number with number of the current year of life,
and also a ratio of the birth-year number with number of the current day concern
to different chronological cycles and are not stressed, and consequently in the
shown scheme are not designated. But numerical ratio of birthday and birth-year
with numbers of age can be considered, or numerical ratio of birthday and
birth-year with numbers of space can be considered, though in the shown scheme
these ratio are not designated. And also it is possible to consider other not
designated ratio which exist in the shown scheme if the complex analysis of the
human person is necessary.
If numbers of the sun and the moon are not known, and also if numbers of space
are not known, then it is possible to apply two following schemes:
The left scheme does not specify numbers of the sun and
the moon, and the right scheme does not specify numbers of space (place). Both schemes can be applicable for numerological analyses of the human person and for prognoses of events though these schemes are more simple in comparison with complete system Sefirot. |
In essence in the right scheme for calculations of numerological numbers it
is enough to use calendar dates and letters of a name, and in the left scheme in
addition it is necessary to determine geodetic coordinates according to which
calculate numbers of a place. I.e. in the shown shortcut schemes there is no
necessity for astrological calculations that differs from more complex anthropocosmic schemes.
Thus, for the person numbers of age and numbers of a name are important, and
also numbers of birthday and birth-year matter. And also it is possible to
consider numbers of the current years and days of life, and some other numbers
which are determined according to positions of heavenly objects within the
framework of astrological circle.
All listed numbers form multilevel system of the human person and allow to speak
about character and psychological predispositions of the person, or allow to
speak about events which result from ratio of the person with movement of
chronological cycles and are the reason for formation of individual features.
And also allow to speak about many others anthropocosmic spheres of human essence.
More detailed information on methods for numerological analyses within the
framework of various anthropocosmic schemes look in other sections of this site.
The following page represents the ancient Egyptian solar calendar which is a source of modern calendars but is a cyclic calendar with periodic recurrence of dates. And also describes the cyclic lunar calendar which in connection with the solar calendar forms a magic square.