Numbers in numerology correspond not only with
parameters of time which are commensurable with movement of years and rotation
of the Earth around of the sun, but also can
be correlated to parameters of time which are commensurable with rotation of the
Earth round the axis and with movement of the sun during one day.
Movement of the sun is apparent as rotation of the Earth creates impression that
the sun goes on a sky and consequently one rotation of the sun around the Earth
is equal to one rotation of the Earth around the axis, and accordingly 24 hours
of one day are equal to 360 degrees of the astrological circle. Namely within 24
hours the sun makes a revolution which is equal to 360 degrees of the
astrological circle around of the Earth, and accordingly the astrological circle
can be considered as a symbolical dial of clock on which 1 hour is equal to 15
degrees (15x24=360).
If to compare nine numerological numbers to astrological circle and to 24 hours
of one day then each number corresponds with 40 degrees of a circle (360/9=40)
and corresponds with 2 hours 40 minutes in day (24x60m=1440m/9=160m=2h40m). An
index point of readout for a sequence of numerological numbers is sunrise
(morning occurrence of a seen disk of the sun above horizon), namely after
sunrise during 2h40m one number matters and further within day approximately
through everyone 2h40m there is a consecutive concurrence of the sun to others
numerological numbers.
Time before sunrise corresponds with numerological number 9 as the appropriate
goddess of the Greek mythology Aphrodite associates with the planet Venus which
is a morning star and can be seen above horizon on dawn before sunrise.
Time after sunrise corresponds with numerological number 8 as the appropriate
god of the Greek mythology Apollo associates with the sun which ascends above horizon.
Other numerological numbers correspond with movement of the sun and with
movement of time according to a linear sequence which begins from sunrise that
is shown on the chart:
The chart of the astrological circle is divided into 9
parts which consistently correspond with nine numerological numbers and
with the appropriate gods of the Greek mythology. Sunrise is designated by the dark point which is an index point for readout of time. From sunrise of one day till sunrise of the next day passes approximately 24 hours (after a winter solstice somewhat less and after a summer solstice somewhat more than 24 hours). If time of sunrise is known in this or that day then it is possible to calculate time when movement of the sun, and rotation of the Earth around the axis, coincides with numerological numbers, and for what it is necessary to add to time of sunrise the hours and minutes shown on the chart according to division of the astrological circle into 9 parts. |
Sunrise within one year occurs in different time and consequently has no
constant ratio with a dial of clock and with astrological circle, but depends on
occurrence of the sun above horizon in this or that day. For example, on day of
a summer solstice June 22, when night has the minimal duration, the sun ascends
above horizon approximately at 3h50m in latitude of Moscow
55°55'N. It means that on day of a summer solstice:
time from 3h50m up to 6h30m (3h50m+2h40m=6h30m) corresponds with number 8;
time from 6h30m up to 9h10m (3h50m+5h20m=9h10m) corresponds with number 7;
time from 9h10m up to 11h50m (3h50m+8h=11h50m) corresponds with number 6;
time from 11h50m up to 14h30m (3h50m+10h40m=14h30m) corresponds with number 5;
time from 14h30m up to 17h10m (3h50m+13h20m=17h10m) corresponds with number 4;
time from 17h10m up to 19h50m (3h50m+16h=19h50m) corresponds with number 3;
time from 19h50m up to 22h30m (3h50m+18h40m=22h30m) corresponds number 2;
time from 22h30m up to 1h10m June, 23 (3h50m+21h20m=25h10m=1h10m) corresponds number 1;
time from 1h10m up to 3h50m June, 23 (3h50m+24h=27h50m=3h50m) corresponds with numerological number 9.
Actually on June 23 the sun ascends approximately in 3h52m that increases
duration of night in comparison with the previous June 22, and consequently
timing duration of day after a summer solstice is somewhat more than 24 hours.
On day of a winter solstice December 22, when night has the maximal duration,
the sun ascends above horizon approximately at 9h10m in latitude of Moscow. It
means that on day of a winter solstice:
time from 9h10m up to 11h50m - number 8;
time from 11h50m up to 14h30m - number 7;
time from 14h30m up to 17h10m - number 6;
time from 17h10m up to 19h50m - number 5;
time from 19h50m up to 22h30m - number 4;
time from 22h30m up to 1h10m December, 23 - number 3;
time from 1h10m up to 3h50m December, 23 - number 2;
time from 3h50m up to 6h30m December, 23 - number 1;
time from 6h30m up to 9h10m December, 23 - number 9.
Actually on December 23 the sun ascends earlier and that reduces duration of
night in comparison with the previous December 22, and consequently timing
duration of day after a winter solstice is somewhat less than 24 hours.
On days of spring and autumn equinoxes March 21 and September 23, when night
and day have identical duration, the sun ascends above horizon approximately at
6h30m in latitude of Moscow. It means that on days of equinoxes:
time from 6h30m up to 9h10m - number 8;
time from 9h10m up to 11h50m - number 7;
time from 11h50m up to 14h30m - number 6;
time from 14h30m up to 17h10m - number 5;
time from 17h10m up to 19h50m - number 4;
time from 19h50m up to 22h30m - number 3;
time from 22h30m up to 1h10m - number 2;
time from 1h10m up to 3h50m - number 1;
time from 3h50m up to 6h30m - number 9.
The given calculations do not take into account a difference between
"summertime" and "wintertime" which is caused by putting a clock hands back or forward.
The listed ratio of numerological numbers with daily movement of time during one
year have law which consists that for 91 day, from solstices up to equinoxes or
from equinoxes up to solstices, the point of sunrise is displaced by 2h40m back
or forward, and according to this law during one year the ratio of numerological
numbers with time intervals form the balanced system which is shown on the chart
(provided that the shown law is valid approximately in latitude of Moscow but in
other latitudes other laws are valid):
The chart conditionally shows a 24-hour dial of clock
on which a time scale are marked according to numerological numbers
which have values on days of
solstices and equinoxes. Green color designates numerological numbers
which have values on days of autumn and spring equinoxes; red color
designates numerological numbers which have values on day of a summer
solstice; blue color designates numerological numbers which have values
on day of a winter solstice. The red point designates time of sunrise on day of a summer solstice; the green point designates time of sunrise on days of autumn and spring equinoxes; the dark blue point designates time of sunrise on day of a winter solstice. |
After a summer solstice in latitude of Moscow the sunrise in each week occurs
approximately for 12,5 minutes later and after a winter solstice sunrise in each
week occurs approximately for 12,5 minutes earlier, that is applicable for
approximate calculation of the time periods during which numerological numbers
have values. Or it is possible to use any astrological calculator for exact
calculation of the time periods. Namely by means of any astrological calculator
it is necessary to determine time when point AS (line of horizon) coincides with
the Sun that specifies time of sunrise in this or that day, and then it is
necessary to calculate nine periods with duration 2h40m and to compare
numerological numbers to the calculated periods.
The periods of time calculated by means of the astrological calculator are a
daily numerological chart which allows to predict events of day by means of the
astrological analysis of planets and zodiac signs conterminous with
numerological numbers. For example, the scheme shows a numerological chart of
day September, 1, 2007:
In latitude of Moscow sunrise 1.09.2007. at 5h38m. Time
after sunrise up to 8h18m corresponds with numerological number 8 and so
on to numerological numbers there correspond the time intervals shown on the chart. Planets Saturn and Venus coincide with numerological number 8; the planet Mars coincides with numerological number 6; the Moon coincides with numerological number 5; planets Uranus and Neptune coincide with numerological number 4; planets Pluto and Jupiter coincide with numerological number 2; the planet Mercury coincides with numerological number 9. And also signs of the zodiac correspond with numerological numbers and influence values which numbers have. |
According to concurrence of planets with numerological numbers it is possible
to predict events which can take place September, 1, 2007 in Moscow. In essence
shown chart of day is a horoscope in which a numerological system of houses is
calculated, and according to houses it is possible to predict events and circumstances of events from the point of view
of characteristics which appropriate numerological numbers and mythological gods have.
For example, in shown numerological chart of day the Mars coincides with number
6 that allows to predict conflicts to the heads (authorities) or allows to
predict intervention of the heads in affairs of subordinates as Mars symbolizes
a principle of aggression, and number 6 corresponds to the Supreme Olympic gods
who symbolize the heads.
Pay attention that mars coincides with number 6 not only September, 1, 2007,
but within August and September, 2007 that allows to predict probable conflicts
to the heads during long time.
I can not list all laws which exist in ratio of planets with the shown system of
numerological houses, but I hope that the offered system will allow to
understand essence of events which occur in same time during the long periods of
time. And also I can not list every possible methods of application of system as
each person notices and analyzes different events. For example, television serials which show on TV day-to-day in one time,
it is possible to interpret from the point of view of the shown system of
numerological houses as each television serial has characteristics which are
most typical for this or that mythological god. Or time of viewing for
television serials or television programs can be chosen by means of the shown
system. And also it is possible to choose time for any other kinds of human
activity as each mythological god creates mood which is the most adequate for
the appropriate kind of activity.
Besides numbers of the shown numerological system of houses can be compared to
numbers which correspond with names and birthdates of people and by that most
suitable time for realization of actions by different people is possible to find.
It is possible to use different methods if used methods allow to choose and plan time rationally.
The following page describes ratio of numerological numbers with geodetic lines of the Earth or otherwise to tell, describes methods of calculations of spatial coordinates by means of numbers in numerology.