
predictive numbers

central page of predictive numerology

magic cards and numbers
predictive numerology
page describes system Tai
page</b> describes calendars
simple methods for calculations
page describes solar calendars
to correlate nine numerological numbers
ratio of numerological numbers
predictive numbers

Mantic cards and magic numbers.
Predictive numerology.

This section of the site on nine pages represents mantic (predictive or conjectural) cards and the magic board which are intended for realization of numerological predictions, and also considers methods of calculations of time and spatial coordinates which are possible to apply in predictive numerology to comparison of numbers to psychological characteristics of people.

The information about mantic cards and magic numbers of predictive numerology, and also methods of calculations of calendar time and spatial coordinates according to birth dates and sites of people on surface of the planet is opened, but the open distribution of information demands your compensated payment, namely you should pay nine euros.
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The first page describes design of mantic cards and magic board, and also represents the PDF file with suitable images for printing and with rules of numerological predictions, and also it is told about attitudes of people to predictions and prophecies.
The second page describes nine numerological numbers and numeral combinations in comparison with tridigrams which are symbols identical to numbers in numerology.
The third page describes system "Tai Xuan Yijing" (Tai Hsuan Ching) or system of tridigrams in the magic square, and also describes distinction of linear and nonlinear systems of numbers in the magic square.


The fourth page describes calendar systems and methods of time calculations in numerology according to ancient calendars and observations of stars..
The fifth page describes simple methods for time calculations in numerology according to calendar dates of daily calendars and also describes ratio of numerological numbers with ages of people.
The sixth page describes solar and lunar ancient Egyptian calendars which form the magic square.
The seventh page describes calendars according to which it is possible to correlate nine numerological numbers to the seven-day and seven-year periods.
The eighth page describes ratio of numerological numbers with rotation of the Earth and with a dial of clock.
The ninth page describes ratio of numerological numbers with geodesic lines of the Earth.

