categories of numbers

magic numerology

Page 3.

analytical numerology of personality and mental functions


Analytical numerology of personality and mental functions.
The third page shows ratio of mental functions and psychophysical orientations of human personality with numbers in magic square of Pythagorean numerology and global world categories which are life, movement, space, time, energy, matter.
Also third page gives information about algorithmic gradation of mental functions of human personality according to rules or principles of analytical numerology and socionics of Augustinavichjute.


Numerology and mental functions of personality.
Global categories and perception of world reality.

Mental functions and psychophysical orientations of human personality in the context of analytical psychology of Carl Gustav Jung and socionics of Augustinavichjute, also typological indicator of Myers-Briggs are factors according to which people perceive world reality and realize own existence. Namely people according to psychophysical orientations are focused in objective external actuality if are extraverts, or in subjective private validity if are introverts. And people according to four mental functions perceive phenomena and processes which exist in the world.
Mental functions form dichotomizing pairs.
Ethics and logics are pair of rational mental functions.
Intuition and сsensory are pair of irrational mental functions.
Also psychophysical orientations of personality are dichotomizing pair of psychological attributes of introversion and extraversion if to not consider equaversion, that corresponds to six global categories which form structure of discrete world reality.
Introversion and extraversion - movement and life.
Ethics and logics - energy and matter.
Intuition and sensory - space and time.
Ratio of mental functions and global world categories with numbers in magic square of Pythagorean numerology are shown on the chart.

mental functions and global categories with numbers of Pythagorean numerology Four capital letters S-N-F-T designate mental functions of personality.
Four lower-case letters s-t-e-m designate global world categories.
Ss - sensory of spaces;
Ns - intuition of space;
St - sensory of time;
Nt - intuition of time;
Fe - ethics of energy;
Te - logics of energy;
Fm - ethics of matter;
Nm - logics of matter.


Parities of psychophysical orientations of personality with categories of movement and life on the chart are not specified, but can be designated by capital and lower-case letters E-I-c-g.
Ec - extraversion of movement.
Ic - introversion of movement.
Eg - extraversion of life.
Ig - introversion of life.
Letter s means distance or physical parameter of space.
Letter t is physical designation of time.
Letter e is physical designation of energy.
Letter m means weight or physical parameter of matter.
Letter c means speed or physical parameter of movement.
Letter g designates global world category of life which is not physical size from the view point of contemporary physics, but this alphabetic character is derivative of English words GENESIS and GENERATION.

Total six world categories form three dichotomizing pairs.
Life and movement.
Movement and life are interfaced with other global world categories, namely have projections on all cells of magic square and each number without specification on the chart.
Human personality according to category of life is involved or not into objective actuality, namely can be interested participant of public events and processes, or can be focused in subjective private validity.
Eg - extroverts are involved in objective actuality.
Ig - introverts are not involved in public activity and focused in subjective private validity.
Human personality according to category of movement shows initiative or inert attitude to objective actuality, namely initiates events and stimulates development of processes, or is not initiator and stimulator.
Ec - extroverts are initiative participants of events.
Ic - introverts are shown as inert participants of events.
Energy and matter - not even numbers 1-7-3-9.

Human personality according to category of energy perceives figurative impressions or semantic values.
Fe - ethical function - perception of figurative energy - number 1.
Te - logic function - perception of sign energy - number 7.
Human personality according to category of matter perceives separate details or generalized ratios of objects.
Tm - logic function - perception of detailed matter - number 3.
Fm - ethical function - perception of generalized matter - number 9.
For example, perception of literary texts.
Human personality according to logic perception of detailed matter perceives details or fragments of literary events, but does not realize interrelations of episodes and combinations of subject lines.
Human personality according to ethical perception of generalized matter perceives combinations of subject lines and interrelations of episodes, but does not realize details and fragments of literary events.
Human personality according to logic perception of sign energy does not realize symbolical meanings and metaphorical senses, but perceives literary texts in which there are associative ratios of words, namely if content is expressed by author by means of intricate phrases as in poems of Edgar Allan Poe or Velimir Chlebnicov.
Human personality according to ethical perception of figurative energy perceives literary texts with symbolical poetic meanings and metaphorical senses which generate emotional impressions in consciousness, but does not realize complex semantic values which exist in intricate phrases and associative ratios of words.
Space and time - even numbers 2-6-4-8.

Human personality according to category of space perceives concrete measurements or speculative abstract projections of spatial coordinates.
Ss - sensory function - perception of concrete space - number 6.
Ns - intuitive function - perception of abstract speculative space - number 2.
Human personality according to category of time perceives contemporary chronological interval which is synchronized with present validity, or perception can be directed in potential prospects of past and future chronology.
St - sensory function - perception of valid time - number 4.
Nt - intuitive function - perception of potential time - number 8.
For example, perception of literary texts.
Human personality according to intuitive perception of potential time perceives plot of a book according to descriptions of preconditions and prospective consequences of literary events, but does not realize content if chronology of subject lines and episodes is absent.
Human personality according to sensory perception of valid time perceives literary content outside of imaginative chronology of subject lines and episodes, or otherwise to tell outside of temporal duration and sequence of events.
Human personality according to intuitive perception of abstract space realizes or in other words imagines in imagination literary scene of events as systematic scheme where plot develops.
Human personality according to sensory perception of concrete space realizes literary events and plot of a book without imagined spatial projections.
Number 5.
Dichotomizing pairs of global world categories according to number 5 in the central cell of magic square can be integrated, namely human person can perceive contrast parameters of sign and figurative energy, or detailed and generalized matter, or concrete and abstract space, or potential and valid time as united single whole.
It is possible to tell that latent mental functions of human personality can be accessible to comprehension according to number 5 in the center of magic square.
Look information about realized and latent unrealized mental functions of human personality on the fifth page in this section of website.
It is necessary to tell that global world categories can not be correlated directly with gods of Greek mythology, namely it is impossible to speak that Apollo is potential time or Artemis personifies abstract space, because each deity possesses perception of all categories. But however each mythological god within magic square of numerological numbers corresponds with any one global category which is leading, and others are minor.
Also it is necessary to tell that mental functions of human personality from the view point of socionics have other designations and comparison to global world categories rather than within magic square in the context of analytical numerology, that is shown in the table.

  - white sensory.  Ss - sensory of concrete space.
  - black sensory.  Ns - intuition of abstract space.
  - white intuition.  St - sensory of valid time.
  - black intuition.  Nt - intuition of potential time.
  - white ethics.  Fe - ethics of figurative energy.
  - black ethics.  Te - logics of sign energy.
  - white logics.  Fm - ethics of generalized matter.
  - black logics.  Tm - logics of detailed matter.

Black sensory actually is intuition of space.
White intuition actually is sensory of time.
Black ethics actually is logics of energy.
White logics actually is ethics of matter.
Namely Augustinavichjute in socionics described direct parities of mental functions with global world categories.
Sensory - space.
Intuition - time.
Ethics - energy.
Logics - matter.
But actually such scientific concept is doubtful, because mental functions of human personality and global world categories are not identical.
Sensory function - perception not only space but also time.
Intuitive function - perception not only time but also space.
Ethical function - perception not only energy but also matter.
Logical function - perception not only matter but also energy.
Namely people perceive dichotomizing pair of time and space by means of intuition and sensory, also dichotomizing pair of energy and matter by means of ethics and logics.
This fact is necessary for considering in order to prevent muddles if books of socionics will be used in the context of analytical numerology at coordination of mental functions of human personality with numbers of magic square and characteristics of mythological gods of Ancient Greece.
Mental functions form algorithmic patterns according to which people perceive structure of world reality, that is shown on the chart.

mental functions form eight algorithmic patterns in the table Mental functions on the chart within each pattern are located according to physiognomic features of human face.
Sensory - left mouth corner.
Intuition - right mouth corner.
Ethics - left eyebrow.
Logic - right eyebrow.
Look information about ratio of mental functions with physiognomy of human face on pages of other website

Mental functions are designated by letters S-N-F-T in green, blue, yellow, red squares, that corresponds to four fundamental world elements.
Elements of air - green color - sensory function.
Elements of water - blue color - intuitive function.
Elements of fire - red color - ethical function.
Elements of earth - yellow color - logical function.
It is necessary to consider that four world elements differently correspond with mental functions of human personality and types of temperament within magic square of Pythagorean numerology. Because mental functions and types of temperament are different structural components which form psychological construction of human personality.
Read information about ratio of four types of temperament with fundamental world elements and magic square of Pythagorean numbers on pages of this website in other section which is named as numerology.

Numbers in white circles and arrows on the chart show structural gradation or sequence according to which mental functions form algorithmic patterns.
First leading or strong function.
Strong mental function designates confident position of human person or basic vital credo.
Human person according to strong function exists as oneself.
Second actual function.
Actual mental function designates position according to which human person has realization.
Human person according to actual function proves oneself in relation to people adequately.
Third weak or irrelevant function.
Weak irrelevant mental function designates uncertain and vulnerable position.
Human person according to weak function painfully reacts to influences, also can not be realized and proved in relation to people adequately.
Fourth non-actual function.
Non-actual mental function designates indifferent position.
Human person according to non-actual function stays idle and perceives actions of people as indemnification of own inactivity.
In total four mental functions form eight algorithmic patterns which can be seen in the table.

 sensory-ethical  sensory  ethics  logics  intuition
 sensory-logical  sensory  logics  ethics  intuition
 intuitive-logical  intuition  logics  ethics  sensory
 intuitive-ethical  intuition  ethics  logics  sensory
 ethical-sensory  ethics  sensory  intuition  logics
 ethical-intuitive  ethics  intuition  sensory  logics
 logical-intuitive  logics  intuition  sensory  ethics
 logical-sensory  logics  sensory  intuition  ethics

Four mental functions form only eight variants of algorithmic patterns, that is caused by rules in socionics of Aushra Augustinavichjute and typological indicator of Isabel Brigs-Mayers. Namely if first and fourth functions are rational then second and third are irrational. Also if second and third functions are rational then first and fourth are irrational.

Following page shows 16 psychological types which are complex combinations of four mental functions and two psychophysical orientations of human personality.

